How To Choose The Right Crypto Exchange For You.

Confused about what Crypto exchange is the best for YOU?

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One of the most common questions I get is - ‘How do I choose the right exchange for me?’

When I first started with Cryptos, I didn’t understand what to look for in an exchange…

Did you know that...

  • Some popular exchanges charge 5(!!) percent in trading fees?
  • Some exchanges advertise 149 trading pairs, but in reality, most of them are virtually untradeable?
  • Or that some limit your investment amount to $900 per week?

If you choose the exchange without doing your research first, you could potentially make some costly mistakes...

That’s why I put together this action guide that will help you choose the right exchange based on your individual situation - amount to invest, goals, strategy, skills and more.

Here’s what’s inside this guide:

  • What you should look for in an exchange 
  • Tips on how to choose the right exchange - with action steps
  • What exchanges I recommend for beginners and active investors
  • A visual comparison of my top Australian and international exchanges 
  • A checklist that will come in handy when you are choosing an exchange - simply answer the questions in the document!

Get free access to this guide below…